This program works closely with committed individuals/families to achieve goals leading towards self-sufficiency. Case Management can include but is not limited to:
- Employment
- Budgeting
- Education
- Nutrition
- Housing
- Health
- Substance Abuse / Recovery
- Transportation
Take Ryan for example, pictured in the photo to the right. Ryan signed up for our completely free case management program. Ryan was interested in the program after a Community Service Specialist explained how case management could help anyone achieve goals on a step by step process, going on to explain the program helps keep the consumer and the case manager accountable at all times. Ryan just completed his 90 day follow up. Ryan started a savings account, paid for half his college tuition with CRI matching the other half, and maintained full-time employment while working the case management program. Ryan is now in his last semester of college where he will graduate with a Regent Bachelor’s Degree. He is now working with his case manager to look into obtaining a Master’s Degree. This is just one of many ways consumers can utilize the case management program.
Some other programs provided under case management include:
The Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP) can help with paying utility and heating bills. Community Resources helps facilitate the completion and submission process of the applications for the federal government funded Low Income Energy Assistance Program. This program helps out all eligible households with paying for their winter heating costs by means of direct cash payments on their behalf to the utility companies.
When lacking time or faced with a shut-off, the Energy Crisis Intervention Program component of LIHEAP assists households in alleviating emergency home heating needs. So if they face a disconnection or are running out of fuel then this program can help. Also, this crisis component is made available for those families who do not have the resources necessary for maintaining sources of adequate heating. Eligibility depends on various factors such as total income of the household, the county they live in, types of heating payments and the overall cost of their bills.
Emergency financial assistance from Community Resources assists in the provision of resources that become a valuable support to those facing a hardship in all of our 11 counties served. Example of this would be utilities assistance.